
First day as a TA

  Today was my first day helping the 6th period english class of Dr. Preston. I am glad that I'm back (I've been saying that a lot) and I'm happy that I got the chance to talk to some of the 11th grade students in the class. I got the pleasure to meet Viviana, she asked me for help and I helped her. That is what I'm looking forward to do in this class. I want to the be the helpful resource the students never thought they would have. I am ready to make these 11 graders succeed.

Back to school

   Finally Senior year. We are back to school and my blog is back as well. I have not posted in a while since I've been busy with all the college application process. This first 2 days of school have been waaay busier 5th than I thought they will be. But I'm  glad to be bad, posting on my blog and I am also glad that Dr. Preston accepted me to be his TA (teacher aid). I am ready for senior year and I am ready to help out students to succeed throughout the school year.

My path to success


My learning was LIT

 "This year I learned the following terms and I applied them as I read some pretty great stuff: - Allusion: when the author tells or makes a reference to something he/she thinks its important for the reader to know. - Plot: the most important phase within a story. When the main character(s) is trying to solve a problem. - Theme: the main topic of a text. For example, the theme of Richard Cory poem is: "Money doesn't mean happiness". - Diction: the words the author chooses to use in the text. - Syntax: the way the author arranges words within the text. - Indirect characterization: when the author tells the reader about a character attitude or physical appearance through clues. Instead of a detailed description. - Direct characterization: when the author gives a  detailed description of a characters appearance or/and attitude. - Static characters: when a character stays the same. In other words, the character does not change throughout the story. - Dynamic ch

Masterpiece academy #16

Jennifer Vazquez talked about Conspiracy theories of 9/11. They are interpretations of events. What really happened? The twin towers collapsed in less than two ours. Over 2,000 people died. People believed that the plane hitting the towers was just a cover up to control demolition. The main target to blame the terrorist. That is what people wanted us to think. People still wants to hear a clear investigation of what really happened that day.

Masterpiece academy #15

 Araceli Carmona talked about Why are people bothered by change? She said that things have changed a lot since we were kids. One good example is how famous people is becoming popular nowadays. She showed the class music videos of 16 year old singers in 2008 & now. Society has changed a lot, but we must keep our originality and live life the way we want. Araceli said Change will never stop and we must be prepared to keep focusing on our own way to be and act. Don't let popular stuff influence on you.

Masterpiece academy #14

 Marcos talked about The Gold rush. In March 1848, there were roughly 157,000 people in California territory. There was so many miners in rivers, this essentially lead to laws restricting mining on rivers. Gold rush started after James W. Marshall found gold in California. It change the lives of mqny people. People from all over the world came to California looking for gold. It transformed California and more importantly it transformed America.